There was a day when we used to educate our children so that then could get the wisdom.Life was hard that time but the education was quality education.Wisdom and money are main two reasons to get oneself educated.Its very sad to see that the the first reason has become extinct and we are producing the army of donkeys, who's main motive is to just increase the GDP of the nation.It is not in any way bad, to contribute to national development but question is what is the essence of development.The system which is irrigated by money from the very beginning then how one could think of anything else than money out of it .By following the western model of development some nations are becoming ,not the reflection but the shadows of the west and in this process they are forgetting who they really are.Education has become easy and stable platform of business and preachers of education are uttering only these words we have education for sale ,we have education for sale.Without the quality education there could be no crystal clear view of the path we are heading towards.This type of education is making us not only blind followers but also making us believe,we are producing the gems , forgetting the old saying all that glitters is not gold.
eagerly looking at the sun rise