Thursday, March 21, 2013

May Be Playing Devils Advocate

If we want to see some change in the world then we have to firstly bring that change within our self.No doubt the world is becoming more and more chaotic and we want to see peace but is there any peace within us,or we are the same as the world seems to us.The word peace doesn't have any meaning without violence,they complete each other.As we know nothing last forever let it be day,darkness, violence or peace.Then how a state of absolute can be achieved was the question all the saints were looking for centuries,what they found, was nothing new but so common that we felt it can't be the answer to the question and that was absolute peace is an illusion.If absolute peace is illusion so why to worry about the thoughts going within our mind,let the thoughts be violent and a time will come when the violence will convert into peace and that is the nature of mind.By practice we can extend the zenith but cant make that permanent.This all leads us to only one question then how to make world live in peace and the ans is no one can make world live in peace the conflicts will go on and Karl Marx was very right when he said "Violence is the midwife of History".

Give me your souls and I shall fulfill all that you want 
The change we want to see will not come peacefully we have to stand forth and snatch what we are looking for, even if, its peace.For that we have to be a great power, as a man, as a nation, and as a world. Missile Man concludes all this when he says "Peace comes at the cost of Power".


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Our Incredible India

The country which is the birth place of Mahatma Budha, Mahatma Gandhi is an ace weapon importing country.The country which we call Bharat Mata i.e because of great respect to feminine gender, is facing the worst time, where the need of the hour is a strong Rape Bill.The country which once was known as Golden Bird doesn't have enough to feed its starving children as we know every second child in this country is growing in malnutrition.

The country which gave world men like Arya Bhatta,Varahamihir, and Brahmgupta is facing acute shortage of researchers in every field .If one asks a question where we as India are heading ? I guess no one has clear answer. We firstly saw in 90's breakdown of the soviet union which was based on the socialist pattern,we got a jolt to see the collapse then we tried to follow the capitalistic path of The West but, oh God!, we saw the extremely bad condition of EU and how could we forget the collapse of the giants like Lehman Brothers in The U.S.A.Ours was a well defined and rich culture but now who knows, who we really are, the world is becoming one culture, is it good or bad we have to decide as we live in a global platform now. So more I see the deep I go, more I like to let it grow, but  its too late to be pessimist we as a human being are capable of resolving every problem,government is taking so many steps to make all those thing right.Private sector is also taking initiative by contributing in social sectors.So at the end India has seen some good times and some difficult ones but its still in the state of conflict between the two worlds i.e India and Bharat.

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Education System

There was a day when we used to educate our children so that then could get the wisdom.Life was hard that time but the education was quality education.Wisdom and money are main two reasons to get oneself educated.Its very sad to see that the the first reason has become extinct and we are producing the army of donkeys, who's main motive is to just increase the GDP of the nation.It is not in any way bad, to contribute to national development but question is what is the essence of development.The system which is irrigated by  money from the very  beginning then how one could think of anything else than money out of it .By following the western model of development some  nations are becoming ,not the reflection but the shadows of the west and in this process they are forgetting who they really are.Education has become easy and stable platform of business and preachers of education are uttering only these words we have education for sale ,we have education for sale.Without the quality education there could be no crystal clear view of the path we are heading towards.This type of education is making us not only blind followers but also making us believe,we are producing the gems , forgetting the old saying all that glitters is not gold.